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Shattered Dreams

Shattered Dreams is a comprehensive underage drinking and impaired driving prevention program. Through the cooperation of our schools, local law enforcement, and emergency responders, the program offers an interactive and stirring intervention strategy to educate teens on the dangers of impaired driving.


Shattered Dreams consists of an assembly and dramatization featuring a staged vehicle accident. The emergency response, consisting of actor portrayals by their peers in addition to real-life simulations conducted by law enforcement and emergency medical services, will play out in front of Juniors and Seniors.


Please note: The dramatization will as closely replicate a real crash scene as possible. There will be damaged vehicles, stage makeup, and lights and sirens of emergency vehicles on campus. Emergency vehicles utilized in the dramatization may include police vehicles, fire trucks, ambulances, and helicopters. Student actors will be placed into emergency vehicles and “transported” away from the scene.


According to research data, approximately half of Texas teens report drinking in the last 30 days. Additionally, research shows that youth are more likely to be involved in a crash if they drive after drinking. Statistics show that 25% of teenage drivers who are killed in motor vehicle accidents are legally intoxicated.


The goal of implementing the Shattered Dreams program is to reduce underage drinking and impaired driving among teens. The program goes beyond just informing teens not to drink and drive- it teaches them that even getting into a vehicle with someone who has been drinking can have life-altering consequences. Survey data suggests that teens who participate in the Shattered Dreams program have a higher awareness of the risks and consequences of underage drinking and impaired driving.


In addition to the interactive presentation component, Shattered Dreams offers several resources for parents to talk to their child(ren) about drinking.

Parent Pledge

Tips for Talking to Your Teen About Underage Drinking and Drinking/Driving

5 Things You Can Do To Raise Your Child Alcohol-Free

Information for Parents


Immediately after the conclusion of the presentation, Lake Dallas High School’s School Resource Officer and Counselors will be available to students who may need support or have further questions.




Citation: Price, M.A., Guerra, C., Muñoz, C.L., Salazar, C.I. (Eds.). (2004) Shattered Dreams: A Guide for Program Planners (2nd ed.). University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, South Texas Injury Prevention and Research Center